From personal experience, one reason males are not as involved with PTO or PTO activities has to do with the cliquishness of board members.
One year I took a day off work to volunteer at my school's year end BBQ. I arrive early, only to be told by the board president that the spot I had signed up for was filled (why wasn't I informed of this earlier?) I get 'assigned' scut work while the board and their favorite people stand in the spotlight. Personally I don't have an issue with scut work. Merely seeing my daughter throughout the entire day and watching her swell with pride because 'Daddy was there' was my personal pay-off.
Lack of communication is an ongoing problem for my school's board, even though the board rotates people in and out, somewhat.
My wife spoke with the president the following fall, since school is out for the summer

, and the president profusely apologized. My wife stated the board member was apologizing to the wrong person to which the board member responded she would apologize to me for wasting my time.
To this day, I have not heard one word of regret or an apology for the way I was treated. In fact, she goes out of her way to avoid me.
This incident is the most extreme of many such bad encounters.
Now, I just don't bother volunteering, which to me is very sad because I truly wanted to be a part of my daughter's elementary years.
I don't require kudos or recognition...I do require respect for my time and effort.