Sorry I don't know how to contact a certain member of this website, but I need dlf!!! You helped me out way back and I was so greatful for all that you did for me, thank you. I need you again though! My mom runs a bridge club (type of card game). There are several children that are going to be in a parade repressenting bridge this weekend. I don't want the kids just to be sitting there, I thought you were so creative with the school mascots that maybe you could help me out with a little chant/cheer. The kids range in age from 3yrs to 13yrs. They haven't learned to much about the game and to many people out there aren't familiar with what bridge is, so I want the parade watchers to hear these kids tell them what it is. If you want to contact me directly for more details my email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you!!!