You're so lucky! I'm sore after painting for ONE day. I have never even attempted baseboards.
Also, I've found that I have to add "from a major artery" to the bleeding stipulation . . . it has been that bad!
I retired from painting in January. It was awful. My kids wanted to help so bad but we were in such a time crunch to get into the house that I didn't want to have to redo mistakes. What usually happened is I would come to the house, hubby would help for a little while and take the kids home to get them cleaned and fed. The great thing about that was I was to tired and sore to eat much and I lost a bunch of weight! A month ago I slipped and helped a friend with a four year old who doesn't comprehend the word "NO." I won't even go there.
I always tell the older child what I want him to do and then bribe him, usually with money, to play nicely with his other siblings and leave mommy alone while she is covered in paint unless someone is bleeding or something is on fire! Honestly, reading/playing with his brothers is part of his weekly allowance-so I can study or go to the bathroom.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Just keep telling yourself how beautiful it will look when you get done ...And if that fails have a nice stiff drink . Just kidding!!!! Hang in there and let us know how the rooms turn out. [img]smile.gif[/img]
when you've been painting for the last two weekends and you're sooooo sore that you can hardly move.
From trying to keep two kids (7 & 3) from getting in to everything and climbing up and down a ladder, to sitting on the floor painting base boards, I'm about to give up. But, I can't as I have much more to do.
I will finish it! Or so I keep telling myself. Anyone else going through this????