Wow, I love the idea of freezing Go-Gurt - Thanks! My child likes the fruit cups in gel, PB&J, wheat thins and a treat - she only has 15 minutes or so. Not long enough really! I think I will try the Yogurt - what a great idea! I use a Tupperware lunch bag that is soft-sided and when you lift the flap there is a clear slot for pictures, stickers, little notes. She really likes that! Also, she loves it it when I use large cookie cutters and cut her sandwich into shapes - butterfly, heart etc.
Melissa Constantine
19 years 6 months ago#125695by Melissa Constantine
I appreciate the ideas. My daughter drinks the juice packs - so hers I can freeze and use to keep other things cool. But my son just drinks water from a water bottle he already has at school. I'll try experimenting with disposable cold packs for him as I really want to send the yogurt each day.
I read the fine print on the Gogurt my son takes. It doesn't say you CAN freeze it, but part of the instructions warn not to re-freeze it once thawed. So that sounds like you could, right?
I asked my daughter what other kids were bringing, if there was anything new/different she wanted. She said no, that most just bring stuff like her - sandwich, tuna, fruit, etc. When I pressed her for new ideas, she said there was one girl who brought "real food. But that's because her mom actually cooks ." :eek: :eek:
I guess the food I prepare at home appears by magic??
Melissa Constantine
19 years 6 months ago#125693by Melissa Constantine
You can buy single-serving sized Ranch dressing that would be OK warm.
If you wanted to keep things cool, you could make a disposable ice pack. Put ice cubes in a plastic bag and wrap it with plastic wrap just in case it leaks or sweats. Then your kids could just throw it away along with everything else.
Hey Joy what about energy bars or trail mix you can make on Sunday and pack for the week? My kids actually like the school lunches but I pack lunchs for my hubby (works in a mall and $10 a day is crazy for mall food!) He loves wraps, trail mixes, wheat crackes (instead of chips), yogurt with fruit and Cheerios or other cereal to mix in, and (during the holiday shopping season) cut up veggies, cheese sticks, ham. He really eats in crazy spurts so to wait for a microwave is not possible. Oh one more- he likes ramen noodles with left over chicken and cooked carrots, cold! I cook the noodles and carrots together and add the chicken. Drain everything and add the seasoning packet and he likes worschere ( :confused: ) sauce and a little butter. I don't know he likes it! My own Elvis!
then again my dad's favorite lunch....cheese sandwich with jelly and a slice of apple pie with a slice of cheese melted on it (now mind you the cheese is from his sandwich and has melted after being in the sun while he ate his lunch!) He now favors much healthier items but if asked he'll joke about cheese on his pie WITH ice cream!
I really like the thermos idea (well, maybe not in Texas in Augut - but later.) However, my kids don't want to have to carry it to every class all day and keep up with it. So, unfortunately, I don't think it will be an option very often.
I never thought about trying to freeze yogurt. The slushy fruit ideas sounds neat.