I put this in "Social" because it affects my life in many ways. I really need to vent.
I have been on the sub aide list for 4 years now. When I first got on I worked alot. Then the budget crisis rumors started circling. About two years ago I talked to a Board of Ed member. There were several on the sub aide list, they easily make enough money to pay a full time classified person or a part time certified person, I think. I loved my job but honestly I felt I did more and got more accomplished on the days I volunteered (perhaps that is ONE reason I stopped getting called). She said she really didn't think they could do anything about transferring those funds because subs get paid from the Title I grant. We are the only county around that has sub aides. When our new Supt from a neighboring county came in I expected the sub aide jobs to cease. He didn't do anything but now...
I don't suppose it would be appropriate to call our governor an idiot, so I won't.
He has proposed a 3% increase for teacher salaries (and they deserve it). He also proposes to drastically cut education funding. This proposal on top of the Presidents budget added with the NCLB Act has our low income struggling school districts in a panic. Now our district is talking about doing away with sub aides and sub teachers. Doing away with sub teachers can cause many problems. I have worked at the high school many times during sub shortages. Students miss out on valuable intstructional time plus they get a little...rowdy due to their schedules being topsy turvey. Even big kids need a routine. I hate to see this happen. I hope that our reps in Frankfort will see the impact budget cuts will have on our children and our communities.
We have a population of about 10,000 people in our county. Our school system employees approximately 500 people. There is a Board of Ed meeting tonight. I will be unable to go. I wished I could. This whole thing is very nerve racking. On top of that I only need to finish this semester and two more classes in order to be able to sub teach. Since I rarely get called for sub aide anymore due to new people on the list I was really looking forward to sub teaching. Aides get their own subs, experience and education does not play a role in who they choose. The teachers have a contact that gets sub teachers for them. The contact is very fair, she has to look for certified teachers first then she goes down the list. She takes experience and education into consideration and I think she tries to make sure everyone gets a chance to work some.
I was hoping to work in ESS next year also. Our ESS has already been cut to two days. If things do not change we will not have an ESS program at all. For some children that is the only help get with their homework and some children need that little bit of one on one time with somebody. I am not sure where the Governor wants the money to go he is taking away from education, I think he has took enough money away from our tobacco farmers (that is KY's number one legal cash crop) to do whatever he needs to do. There has already been a big deal over health insurance and many teachers in the state threatened to strike (their insurance coverage sucks). If this keeps up we could have MAJOR crisis. Also our minimum wage is going up. In two years it will be over $7.00. I only make $6.11 right now and they can barely pay that. Where is this money supposed to come from? AAAUUGGHH! I am not a very political person but when politics are going to be the downfall of my children's well being, I tend to get upset.
Thank you for cyber listening! I feel a little better now.