I gotta tell you about my reading project for 3rd grade. It's called Reading Around the World. We will decide on a country each month. On Monday's they will choose a book either set in that country or about the country. They read it at home with their parents and together they complete a postcard. One side they write about the country or story, and on the other they draw a picture from a scene in the book or about the country. The postcards will be due each Friday, where we will go over them as a group and then post them on the board with a map. At the end of the month, if the class has met its monthly goal, we will have a celebration--either a party or something like orgami or pinata making. We will also participate in a postcard exchange program throughout the year. The countries are England, Japan, South Africa, Australia, Mexico, Canada, Italy, and Brazil. In May, we would have a celebration involving all the countries.
I had to put together a tri-board, and have a large map on it, with blank postcards and then some with the countries listed on them. My boys won blow up globes at the fair this year and I have attached them to the sides. I got to pull out all my scrapbooking stuff. [img]smile.gif[/img]
I have to present it Thursday in front of all 65 people in the program and the professors. YUCK!!
Thanks to Crew and Silver so much for their thoughts and suggestions!
My oldest has a teacher who hasn't had a room parent before. Her last school didn't do it, they just had volunteer days. Her class at our school last year didn't have anyone volunteer.
It is kinda funny actually. She just hugs and hugs me when I show up to file. I had to give her ideas of things I could do. She keeps buying me cute little teacher things, since I am in school to be a teacher. I had to tell her, "no more gifts til after Christmas!" She couldn't believe I did treat bags at Halloween. We made baskets for our carnival to auction and she did ours because she said I had a lot going on. HOLY COW!! I totally love her!!! It is strange to be SO appreciated. Plus she totally rocks with my child!
Never even heard of the movie. I remember one with Dennis Quad (too hot!!!) where he gets shrunk and goes into someone else's body. somethign with Space in the title I think. it was silly but good. i like movies that you don't have to think about. [img]smile.gif[/img] it is sad, but my boys are starting to outgrow the cartoony movies. They haven't even mentioned getting Cars. I want it so bad! Sad huh??
Never mind.... I found it..... After an hour of searching! For some reason I remembered that James Earl Jones was the voice of the robot. ??? whew One stocking stuffer out of the way. [img]smile.gif[/img]
I am stumped! My son wants a movie for Christmas. I can remember everything about it except the names of the actors and the title. It was about a rocket that crashed, there was a symbiot thing inside. A kid found it and went inside it. There was a bully kid who's dad had a junkyard. Probably mid 80s or mid 90s. I don't know. Does it ring a bell with anyone?!?!?!
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."
"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
We've only been to Disney at Christmas so I don't know what it looks like any other time of year. It is absolutely beautiful!! May flowers sound wonderful too!
No, I haven't picked a team yet but Bama seems to be the favorite around here. Hubby hates Auburn for the same reason yours does!
I'm not sure what's going on around here with the PTO. It seems the whole community has gone through major growing pains the past few years and it's really divided people. They're still reeling. The school claims to need parent volunteers but then won't give you anything to do. I ask teachers and they just give me a blank stare. The first week of school I asked my son's language arts teacher for a book wish list, emphatically stating how much I love to buy books. 15 weeks into the school year and several reminders later I still have no list. I finally cornered her Friday morning and said, "I'm going to Barnes & Noble today. Are your sure there's nothing I can pick up for you?!?!?" She finally gave me two titles by the same author. Gosh, I would spoil these teachers rotten if they'd just let me!
Disney at Christmas??? oh, I am so jealous. It is going ot be beautiful! We went in May, when everything was in bloom and Epcot had a flower show all over the park! It was amazing!
My kids favorite was MGM also. They loved Tower of Terror. My husband did the Aerosmith ride 4 times. My fav is still It's a Small World. they upgraded it some and it looks so neat. And the new Animal Kingdom park is cool too, with the tree of life.
It seems like everyone around here started their Christmas shopping this weekend. Every place was packed.
So how do you like AL so far? Have you picked a team? My hubby was glues to the GA/Auburn game this weekend. He typically hates GA but hates Auburn more (cause his boss likes Auburn). Sad huh? Have you joined the PTO? Come on, you know it is calling your name........