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Seperate fundraiser at carnival?

10 years 11 months ago #165442 by jcc0621
We hold a Spring Fair each year. Last year we had classes that were working on an animal cruelty project in school. As part of their project they were raising money to send to the SPCA.

We allowed them to do it as long as it wasn't something competing with our regular fair items. They did lollipops, which all the kids loved.

I don't see an issue with it as long as you don't have another stand or table selling cupcakes so it doesn't take away from your bottom line of helping the school.

Good luck!
11 years 1 week ago #165144 by PTO Pres.
Seperate fundraiser at carnival? was created by PTO Pres.
We are having our annual carnival - it's one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. A couple students have asked the PTO if they can set up a table at the carnival to do their own fundraiser - selling cupcakes - and giving all the proceeds to a student in our school who is undergoing medical challenges.

We all care about this student and want to help the family - but are wondering if there are any considerations we need to be aware of if we allow this.

Has anyone done this?
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