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Giving back to our families

13 years 5 months ago #158465 by Lisa @ PTO Today
Replied by Lisa @ PTO Today on topic Re:Giving back to our families
Thanks, Debbie!

Michele- Just wanted to let you know that I posted your question on our Facebook page .


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13 years 5 months ago #158430 by Debbieomi
As a couponer for more than three decades and an extreme coupon queen for the past five, I must offer this advice:
Go to and learn the ropes from the folks there. The owners are above reproach and will not stand for any of that foolishness as portrayed on that TLC program such as matching barcodes. The always have the latest scoop on all the stores, including regional ones. There may even be a forum there for clubs such as you're looking to start. No need to reinvent the wheel and all that. :-)
Couponing has literally saved me thousands of dollars over the years. Good luck to your group and good on ya for wanting to help your fellow school families in this manner.
13 years 5 months ago #158339 by MicheleUnruh
We are trying to give back to our families this year in a big way, by cutting all expenses to cost. We are doing food and coat drive as well as lunch for kids who forgot theirs.I am looking for other ways to help out in our community. I am interested in a Coupon club to gives other parents a chance to learn the tricks of the trade and a place to share coupons. This could also benefit our Campbells and box top program.Any advice or ideas on this?
Also how could I judge interest? Maybe at one of our parent nights?
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