Question about health screening at your Family Fitness Night. What services are you offering at your health screening station? Blood pressure checks? Massages? I need to get a better idea of what to offer in that area. We are looking forward to our school's fitness night on March 31st.
We are planning our event for the 22nd of this month. I have actually contacted our local college to see if there are any athletes out there that would like to volunteer their time. The Men's Basketball team will be coming out to lead the stations in their warm-up uniforms. I am getting really excited about the event and hope that it has a good turnout.
Is anybody doing a pre-register for families? If so, do you have a form example you are willing to share?
We are planning to do this event in January. I'm going to make certificates for each student that completes all six stations and I'm also in the process of trying to get a couple of kids bikes donated for door prizes. I think it's a fantastic idea & I'm glad Boxtops came up with a guide so we'll have a successful event.
We are considering having this same event when it gets closer to spring. I, myself, am still learning about this program but it seems to be a great way to get kids out from in front of a video game and back outside where they belong. LOL with 5 kids of my own I am always trying to find things for my kids to do outside. We are even going to do the Presidents Challenge along with the Family Fitness Night. Hopefully, we will be able to hand out awards to all of the kids that do a fantastic job of playing or excersing.
I was thinking about partnering with the Food Trust. They are a local non-profit group that helps our childern learn about healthy eating. Maybe getting the gym teacher to do an activitiy. Maybe asking for a volunteer from a local gym to come and show easy exercises that can be done each day. Then maybe something fun like a jumprope contest.