You can always reach out and ask the Military office nearest you if they would bring the Vet van out to the school and this will allow the kids to look inside and see everywhere the van has traveled across the country. And send a notice home asking all family members that have ever served in the military to come in for a Military Acknowledgement Day and create some kind of certificate to give the family member.
You can always call over to the base and see if they'd like to send out any units for appreciation. A local unit was just out this last weekend and they were doing car washes (even though it was raining) and face-painting. All of the donations were going to some marine corp ball or something like that.
For Veteran's Day, we always hold a small small assembly. We invite from veterans through the American Legion and VFW and also send notices home with the kids to invite veterans as well as active service members. We all go outside and raise the flag, say the pledge, have a veteran give a short speech and then the we provide a rigatoni lunch. The veterans eat lunch with the students. This year we're doing a Wall of Honor with pictures of veterans that will be displayed the whole month of November.
Hi Jen, Check out
this is a new fundraiser program that positions a "cause for cause". This year we are partnering with "Support Our Troops" with a coffee/hot chocolate/tea program designed for your groups particpation. Interest folks can opt to send coffee to the troops overseas, the number one requested item... and or purchase the hand blended products for themselves... Best of all you can make up to 40% cash... Our "cause for cause" will donate 10% proceeds to our "Art for Autism" Foundation to generate art thearpy programs across the USA>.
Any questions please feel free t contact me...
Dave This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Google -- Military One Source
from there you can select families, and then your branch of service --- with your schoool being so close to a military installation you should be able to get all the information and possibly help to run a military appreciation through the school. At the very least you will get an idea of some activities.