I had heard the same things-- the costs that we as a PTO don't usually think about-- paper goods- toilet paper, paper towls, cleaner to reclean floors and bathrooms after our events-- lights being on--- water being used-- these all add up as well--- I think the disctrict should re-look at what they charge community education to use a building and try and put more in 1 or 2 buildings instead of speading it out too much and what do churches pay to use a building-- it just janitor costs as well- if so this should be looked at too-- I don't think not allowing any activities after school or evening is the answer-- it will only alienate families with the school district....
I hope they stay their ground and don't take this away.
We had our annual PTO Board meeting with the School Board. They stated that all PTO activites will stay on schedule. We will have full access to the building for our functions. We will still be paying for our custodial staff. Great News! Glad to see we were able to resolve it.
If they are public buildings - you should check into how much they can exclude events. If you pay for custodial staff - what are they claiming they will save?
We have 10 Elementary Schools with approx. 640 kids in each. We already pay for the custodial fees of overtime @ a rate of $ 45 per hr. We are trying to think of ways to have things right after school. Or only using the bldg. for 1 or 2 events only. We will find out more information at our May PTO district meeting. I will let you know what is said.
It really seems that schools should encourage use of the facilities as much as possible to better create a sense of community and a safe place to host events.
Is there any way they can pass on the cost to the groups wanting to use the facilities? I think you've got a better solution available then just having a no nights policy.