I am with you parent73 - I am so inspired by these amazing parent groups too!
Wanted to weigh in on your question:
But I'm wondering if someone would speak to the issue of potentially losing money for your parent group by raising funds for other organizations. What does your parent group think/say/communicate about this? Or do they not see it as an issue? Do you see any kind of decrease because of this?
Can totally understand your concern. But even in a down economy I think that folks psychologically separate the 2 kinds of donations (school and cause). I personally think that doing things like a coat drive or asking families to pay a dollar to dress down, with the understanding that the money will go to a good cause, is not only setting an excellent example for your kids but also great PR for your parent group. I wonder if doing fundraisers for causes has the reverse effect of losing money: when families see the parent group is taking the "it's not all about us" approach, they dig deeper in their pockets and are more willing to support the parent group when a family event school fundraiser comes up. Curious to hear what others think.
We are currently in our second week of raising funds for the Red Cross for Haiti Relief. The goal was for each class to raise $50 and if the class raised their funds, the teacher would agree to do a silly task or an activity or party. And if the entire school raised $2000 the principal would get slimed. Well in week one, the children surpassed the $2000 mark and they are almost to $3000.
We also do many "special" projects for soldiers, since we are an elementary school on a military installation.
Our LOOP (Lutheran Organization of Parents) at St. John's Lutheran School in Dover, DE is holding the school's first ever 1950's Sock Hop on Thursday, Feb. 11th. The dance is offering a chance for the kids to dress-up, 50's style and we're going to have ice cream sundaes and cotton candy. The admission price is a donation of a new or gently used pair of shoes and new socks and we'll be turning over the donated items to the local homeless shelter. The cost of the dance is minimal...we have a teacher who moonlights as a DJ who's volunteering his time and equipment, the school gym isn't costing us anything, and other parents have donated snacks and drinks.
All of these ideas are fabulous!! I'm so inpsired...
But I'm wondering if someone would speak to the issue of potentially losing money for your parent group by raising funds for other organizations. What does your parent group think/say/communicate about this? Or do they not see it as an issue? Do you see any kind of decrease because of this?
I'd really love some perspective on how that might (or might not) impact your fundraising efforts. Thanks!
Last edit: 15 years 1 week ago by parent73. Reason: expanded thoughts...
15 years 1 week ago#152401by demaggm@woodhaven.k12.mi.us
Our PTO has teamed up with the Kiwanis Club and we run a "Kids Against Hunger" meal packing program every year. It is an international program where students pack meals not only for people in our country but around the world.
We also have a "hats that help" day once a month. Students donate a dollar to wear a hat to school for the day and each month, our PTO picks a different charity to donate the money to.
We also run a food drive and clothing drive each fall. "Food for Ryan" and "Clothing for Ryan". Our student council recycles paper all year and donates that money to purchase food for our food drive. Then on the following Saturday, we load up busses with boxes and parents and students and deliver them to local area food banks and shelters that are in need.