We work with just grades pre-k to 5th. Last year we did alot of Red things.* Red popsicles, Red shirt day, Crazy hat day, ect to get the kids involved as the discussions and talks went on.*
I would talk with the Principal and see what he/she would like you to do or would be willing to support.
One idea would be to contact the local police station and see if you would be able to havea vehicle that was in a drunk driving or illegal substance accident brought to the school. Maybe even post some specifics, like "3 Teens killed by Drunk Drive". This visually would send a message.
Maybe even do a pledge drive and have the students sign the RRW pledge form.
Our PTO is trying to do something for the kids at school for Red Ribbon Week. We can not afford a presentation or anything expensive but would like to help our school with something. Any idea's on what we could do? Please share what you do at your school if you participate in this event.
Thank you!