We just celebrated our Elementary schools 100th birthday this spring. We had the children draw pictures of the building in art class. Some teachers taught lessons about school life 100 years ago, etc... We also had each classroom work on a project to contribute to a time capsule that we buried on our playground. We planned a big birthday party and invited all parents, past staff and alumni to the party. We had a huge birthday cake and several peopel gave speeches. The children who had collected atleast 100 boxtops we able to help blow out the birthday cake. The entire student body also sang songs. We (our PTO) also gave gifts to past principal, who worked at the school for 36 years as well as a gift to our oldest citizen who happened to be celebrating his 100th birthday as well. Hope this helps.
We are planning a School Birthday celebration in conjunction w/ our annual Fall Chili Supper on November. This is a BIG year for us, our K-6 school actually celebrates 140 years of continuously educating the kids in our area! If anyone has any ideas for activities we can include in our celebration please share!