We have enjoyed the vegie chips and they were a big hit at our open house night ! My kids are asking for them everytime we go to the store.We could take a delivery like that..as long as we knew when it was coming.Our PTC has our own freezer and we can use the kitchen walk in if it is coordinated w/ kitchen staff.
We have been so super excited to see what sorts of samples we might get next! We have worked our samples into meetings and school events and it is always so well received! One thing we have really enjoyed is that it hasn't always been food items.
With the refrigerated items...I think we would work to make it work, you know!
Keep finding us sample companies....it's fun for us and the companies are making some loyal customers!
I'm wondering about the size of the packages. I figured that many of the PTOers have a spare fridge at home, in their basement or garage. Depending on the quantity of packages and the size, possibly these could be split up and stored by numerous PTOers.
Question, is it critical to keep these cold during storage, for example, will it spoil? I can see many groups being able to store a product such as this at room temp for a week or two, but being able to promise to chill before serving.