This is my first year as the Family fun night chairperson. I need help and encouragement on trying something new. Last year I felt that the FFN was not as wonderful as it could be. I have been thinking all summer about doing a lot more new things and also incoroporate some of the old so I don't upset the apple cart too much. I have a few parents that have been the chairperson in the past and are not wanting to "change". I have tons of ideas!! We received a new rock climbing wall this year and I wanted to incorporate a "wellness" theme. I wanted to do a book walk, wellness walk (where they would walk for sporty types of prizes), and also an art walk (where they would walk for art supplies)...this would be instead of pop and cake walks. Our school theme is "whatever it takes"... anyone have any ideas on what I could do as a theme? Also, in the past we have rented games that were not very easy to play and I would really like to go back to the basics and so simple yet fun games like a carnival. So, I would appreciate anyhelp that you could give me to boost my confidence in the idea of change!! I am really butting heads with a few people and I don't want that to happen... I just would like to do something a little different. Please HELP!!! Please share your ideas!! Thanks