We have no more than 500 students total K - 6 in our school. Usually our classes have fewer than 24 students each. I think the average class size is 18 actually. Our students' books also include a "Meet the Author" page, which looked like this:
My name is __________________________.
I am ___________years old.
I like to read about ____________________________________.
My favorite book is_________________________________________.
The time I like best for reading is _______________________________.
The place I like best for reading is ______________________________.
When I am not reading, I like to _______________________________.
and then there's a page which is blank except for this Heading:
The Following People Read My Book! (everyone who reads it, will sign there name and adds a little comment)
the last page has a class picture on it with the year it was done. I'm looking at my son's and his story was 6 pages long. Each page has a space on top for an illustration and then 5 lines for writing. I don't know if every child had to use 6 pages, or if they were different lengths, but I believe it only took about an hour, maybe an hour and 15 mins. for all the students to read and for the parents to enjoy the refreshments afterward. He had 15 in his class.
The teacher also had a couple of the students handle the welcoming announcements, there was a little skit put on by the class, the students then took their turns reading their stories and then a couple of other students thanked everyone for coming and invited them to stay for cookies and punch. It was very nicely done. I know the kids loved it and the parents were amazed at some of the creativity!
This is a wonderful activity. It encourages creative writing, penmanship, art, oral reading and public speaking. I think whatever your school ends up doing, it will be well worth any time and or money you put into it. Let us know how it goes