have parents ride on tricycles and with helmets. The kids can try to rope a moving target. You can also give lessons in hog tying (with the disclaimer--don't try this at home). You can also try and work something in related to trick riding.
Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
Cowboy bingo? Isn't that where you send a bunch of cows out into a marked field and if one, uh, chooses to mark your square then you win? That's how they play it in Illinois.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."
"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
Pony Rides--Cowboy Bingo (I don't know what that means but you can figure something out)...roping contests with hola hoops and cones (or parents ), I'll keep thinking..!
Help! We need ideas for a rodeo night. We thought we had Michigan State's Rodeo Team for the night but they had to back out. Now our main entertainment is gone. Has anyone else ever done a rodeo night. Any activity ideas? We do have a professional rodeo person coming who will demonstrate roping and will bring a practice steer so the kids can practice it also. We need some other suggestions to fill the night. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!