I agree run by principal (our was at PTA mtg- she was on the Exec board), the school actually did the fliers, advertising, scheduling, etc (school program coord's job), hour long classes, PTA parents, teachers and 2 or 3 outside sources taught classes, usually 8 wks long, 1 day per week. Prices varied.
Poll parents, kids, etc to see what they like or find programs that enhance the curriculum but are fun (and educational just dont tell the students that

find out what areas of testing the school is lacking in (ie Math- do a math club, chess, lego building; something to enhance math and critical thinking skills (but again fun); (ie Science- gardening or Enivir Science type classes - or Kid Concoctionish (sp?)
I agree with dlf be firm with the authorization and pickup times.
Ours have been really fun