I think the company you're talking about is SchoolCheckRecovery.com. Our school never followed up on it, but we're thinking about it again. The school district offered to let PTAs use their check recovery service for the "low" price of $99/year, but School Check Recovery is free.
I'm guessing you mean a way to recover the money from bounced checks? Here is what we do in our locale. If a check is bounced the person is contacted either by phone or a letter. If there is no response then a registered letter is sent to their address asking them to pay the amount (plus fee's) or make arrangements to make payments on the amount due.) If the deadline arrives and they do not pay, we turn this over to the district attorney's office and they handle from there. Generally the registered letter works. We have had situations where people chose to file bankrupcy (which may be an actual blessing, instead of getting deeper and deeper into a hole.)
It costs virtually nothing. And it is rare that we have to go to this extreme. We went from 20 bounced and open accounts to just 2 in one year. I like the progress and the price tag associated with that.
Awhile back I saw an ad on this web site about
a check recovery program.
Does anyone use this program?
And do you like this or could you recomend something