We sell our tickets presale for 2.25 and 2.50 at the door. In the spring when we had our last ice cream social we went through 15 tubs of ice cream. This is one of our biggest events of the year. The kids love this.
Cindy<br />
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<br>"People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege."
We held our ICS end of September. Great turnout. We charge a nominal fee of $2.00 per sundae(to cover the cost of the ice cream.) Our local Friendly's donates toppings, whipped cream, etc. We do not promote this as a fundraiser, just a fun night out.
We include our Spiritwear for sale, upcoming chairpeople on-hand to talk to, LuchBox Notes, School Calendars and Early Dismissal pads for sale.
Alot of fun for kids and parents get to socialize.
For most schools, it's not financially possible to do a " FREE" icecream social. even if you buy icecream at a warehouse club, buy the time you buy the cones, or bowls, napkins and sundae fixins' it would cost your PTO/A more than $1.00 per person. That's a pretty big chunk o' money, when you consider that $300-500 could be used for books, art supplies and/or other well-needed items for school.
Most people are very willing to pay a few dollars for an eveing out with their family. Even if you charged $2.00 per person, where else can a family of 5 go out for the evening for $10.00?
Wow!! This is quite the eye opener. I've never been to or hosted a social and I thought the ice cream was supplied by the PTO, but you all are charging folks and still get a decent turn out?
Ours is done by Brewsters. Our students eat free and the other sundaes were 2 dollars (big sundaes too). We served 368 or 9 Sundaes in 30 minutes. The parents use the chance to mingle and get to meet their children's classmates so we don't offer anything other than the sundaes....d