Has anyone had success with a week of no TV? I think this is a great idea and am curious what the reaction would be. I love the hiking idea but it's getting cold here so maybe if we did it in the spring.
My children would be crushed to know I'd like to persue this but I think it's a great idea and to get families to come together and do activities woudl be fun.
We've been trying to get Turn-off-TV week going at our school for about 2 years now. Let me tell you, we always start planning too late, and that's not a good thing! So far we haven't been very successful.
I like your idea of having an activity each night. How about, instead of highly planned and involved activities, inviting families to gather at a local park for hiking. Or possibly at the high school track for some relay races. I'm not sure where you live, but April is starting to get nice weather in some areas? Or maybe reserving a section or block of time at a local resturant. Gathering at a museum. Do you have any local theaters who may offer a special performance during your week? Will your high school band be performing that week? Just a few thoughts.
On a funny note, when we discuss Turn-Off-Tv night last year, one PTO member suggested having everyone gather at a local movie theater? We decided that was pretty much like watching TV.
That's the plan right now. We want as much participation as possible and we figured charging a fee would deter people from coming. If we charge anything it may only be $1.00.
Hello everyone! I am new to the board but have come here often for ideas over the year.
Our elementary school PTO has set its goal this year as providing after school activites for our kids. Our school goes from Kindergarten to 4th grade.
One thing on our agenda is TURN OFF YOUR TV WEEK. We would like to sponsor a different activity each night at school. We thought about having guest readers one night; doing Kareoke and Dance Dance Revolution another; Family games night perhaps another night.
Are there any other ideas out there?
We want to give the kids a card to get punched each night they attend. The event will be held for 4 nights. If you get your card punched four times, you get put in one drawing, three time another drawing, 2 times another drawing and of course 1 time anothr drawing.
While the event isn't until April, at our school, it is never to early to start planning!