My niece's school did a Variety Show last year. It was soo cute. I am hoping to do this later this year. I don't know all of the details, but they held "try-outs". The kids came & performed their acts-they had a good mix of singing, skits, dances, comedy & the winner of the 8th grade speech contest- & I'm pretty sure everyone was in the show. The try-outs were more for scheduling, etc. They held 1 rehearsal & 1 dress rehearsal. On show night, there was a $5-10 (I don't remember exactly) admission for adults & students were free. They had a simple 1 sheet, 1 side program. No refreshments or anything. It wasn't a contest, just entertainment. It lasted about 2 hrs. They are a very small school (180 kids)in a very small town & they made about $1500! I think everyone in the entire town was there! They even had the principal doing skits- they did a great job.
We are going to try and do our first ever middle school talent show in February. Has anyone ever done a talent show? Have any ideas on how to get started?