Yes. Advertising is the key. First to get the vendors, then to get people to the craft show.
you need to put together a contract. Any show I have ever been in has had a contract I had to sign. One of the things you agree to is to set up at a certain time and tear down at a certain time. That keeps people from leaving early.
Some even charge a refundable deposit.
It is helpful to have a variety of craft items, not 10 booths of jewelry, etc.
Some charge to enter, others do not. The most successful one I have been part of has been in existence for over 25 years and has never charged an entrance fee. It is always held the first weekend of November (Thur, Fri, Sat).
We tried to have a crafts sale this spring at our Fun Day~the key word being tried. We had crafters canceling at the last minute, some left in the middle of the sale~it was awful. In hindsight, I guess it was really the wrong time for a crafts sale. I would like to try it again at a different time. Good luck!
We're doing a "demo night" for the second time this year. We got Mary Kay, Avon, Longaberger, etc. reps to buy tables for $25 each. We charge $5 to get in and provide wine and cheese on a Friday night. Was a huge hit last year and will be even better this year, I'll bet.
we have done one for years in combination with a pancake breakfast & little shoppers shop. The kids enjoy their shopping and the parents enjoy theirs visiting the crafters. if you are doing a craft fair... hurry up... you need to advertise with your free newspaper advertisers in your area to get some crafters. Another good way to get crafters is to go to a craft fair ASAP and ask each crafter to join your fair.( a simple flyer)
We charge $15 per crafters table and a item for our raffle table. We end up with about 20+ crafters and 20 items on raffle table.( $1 ticket raffle.) drop your ticket in the container for the item you wish to win.
I added a kids craft section last year where we set up some simple holiday ornaments kids can make so moms can shop. ($1 per craft)
good luck
Our school is going to have a Fall/Christmas Craft show. I was just wondering if anyone else has done this type of event? What were the things that made it successful?
Any helpful advice is appreciated!