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Carnival Prizes Help!!

18 years 6 months ago #121169 by CrewChief
At my last school, it was a very big deal to get to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. During morning announcements the principal introduces the student says why he/she won (AR goal met, etc.) then hands the phone over to the student to say the pledge.

Insider Tips: Print out the pledge in a very large font and tape it on the wall next to the phone/microphone. It's surprising how easy it is to forget when you're nervous! Also, since several students may win the prize at the same time, the school secretary keeps a calendar on her desk with students' names on the date they're scheduled to lead.

[ 09-12-2006, 08:57 AM: Message edited by: CrewChief ]

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
18 years 6 months ago #121168 by <hillviewparentclub>
Replied by <hillviewparentclub> on topic RE: Carnival Prizes Help!!
I don't know how much time you're working with but oriental trading has some nice items at low prices. You can view their catolog and place your order over the internet. The web address is I purchase a lot of stuff for myself and the organizations I work with.
18 years 6 months ago #121167 by <hillviewparentclub>
Replied by <hillviewparentclub> on topic RE: Carnival Prizes Help!!
cost-less prizes:

homework pass
principal for an hour
extra recess time
free student store coupon
first in line in cafeteria for a week
18 years 6 months ago #121166 by c&wsmom
Replied by c&wsmom on topic RE: Carnival Prizes Help!!
We have a "toy drive" and ask for "gently used" toys then use them for prizes.
18 years 6 months ago #121165 by Lucella
Replied by Lucella on topic RE: Carnival Prizes Help!!
Check w/local businesses. We had a local bowling alley give us a big stack of free passes, a local movie theatre gave us a stack of movie passes- you could check w/ skating rinks, ice cream parlors, movie/game rental places, museums, arcades, etc. Middle school kids can be kinda hard to please as far as prizes go. They seem to like those bracelets w/sayings on them, like the "Live Strong" types. Oriental Trading has those w/lots of different sayings... things that glow in the dark..?
I really like the book table idea... we might steal that for our literacy month... not to get distracted, but does anyone celebrate Dr. Suess's birthday? (Literacy Month is Sept. & I missed it, but I was thinking about March for it b/c of Dr.S's bday)
18 years 6 months ago #121164 by okaymom2
Replied by okaymom2 on topic RE: Carnival Prizes Help!!
Ok we have got the lower grades figured out for the prizes, now need some ideas for the upper elementary kids Let me know
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