I agree - especially for middle school. We want it to be nice, but not crazy. Tickets were $3, just like any other school dance.
The kids are varying quite a bit as to what they are doing about dresses/tuxes/limos. Most parents (like mine) seem to want to keep it nice, but reasonable. Nice dresses but not something that cost a fortune only to be worn once.
My daughter and her friends thought the limo idea was ridiculous - thank goodness! I've heard one set is doing that, but it's not like the people inside the prom can even see who's arriving or in what.
the less money spent, the better, sometimes. or, more money spent, does not equal more fun or suceess. just more stress in meeting the wants, and not the needs, with fundraisers and such.
and parents sometimes forget that kids dont even notice or care, if youve gone the extra mile for raising money for the tiffany event. events bring kids together and thats what makes it fun.
The best thing to spend on your children is your time. ~ Louise Hart
that's really nice to hear. i think alot of us tend to forget how simple things can really be and have it turn out nice!
i attend monthly meetings with our administraters of our district and i am amazed how things get out of control with "parents" trying to out do each other through their kids. administration is constantly trying to remind us how things used to be. Proms in the gym, doing only one fundraiser because your not renting a country club, having sports banquets at local firehalls and not at the most expensive resturant in town.
kudos to you JHB! it takes posts like this to remind us of what really counts. Thanks!!
8th grade prom is this Saturday, sponsored by the PTO. The president called a meeting of anyone interested in helping and the group met for the first and only time last night (Thursday). Five moms showed up. The budget is $100.
On the surface, this sounds like a recipe for disaster or at least major-league stress. 5 parents to do the whole thing, 48 hours to pull it off, virtually no money.
Actually, it's going to be just fine. We met for about an hour, came up with a plan, and decided who wanted to take charge of what. We're decorating Saturday morning and showing up at 6:00 for final details. Prom is 7-10pm.
We've got decorations (tropical theme)and food (punch, appetizers, cookies, cheese/crackers) figured out. They had ticket sales at school today. The principal acts as DJ for free. The journalism department will take prom pictures and sell them for $1. I've got a bubble machine being delivered that afternoon.
It's fun sometimes to realize how simply things can be done and still succeed.
If only finding the right prom dress and shoes had been so easy...