Hi, Mhimmel. Something you might want to try is Movie Night. From my college days, we would go to the "Hall", grab a chair and turn it upside down, put our pillow in between the legs and watch a movie. Depending on the movie, there were different contests -- Top Gun we had a look like the movie poster and took photos.
If you have access to a indoor pool or live somewhere warm (I live in the Midwest), you could do a midnight swim party.
Traying parties are fun if your cafeteria has the right type of trays. During the winter we could take the caferia trays and go sledding down the hill. Afterwards there was hot cocoa and snack foods.
Does anyone have any good ideas for events that would appeal to middle schoolers, other than a dance? We are a K-1 through 8th grade private school, and I will be the PTO Pres. for the next 2 yrs. Some of the middle schoolers feel that PTO activities are geared towards the younger kids and I would love to find some new ideas that are a little older. My own daughter will be entering 6th grade in the fall, so Brownie points would be great!.
Also, has anyone heard of the groups called "Teenangels" or Tweenangels"? I found them on the WiredKids website when I was researching internet safety. They are a peer group that is trained extensively in internet safety and then they speak to kids about it.