We have tried all of these:
Muffin Monday- Each class provides their own muffins or donuts, the school provides the OJ napkins and straws.
Terrific to be Catholic Tuesday-We have a school spirit assembly in the afternoon. The 8th grade cheerleaders host it. This year our priest did a cartwheel, a huge hit with the kids!
Worship Wednesday- The kids can wear church clothes to school this day. (kinda dress down day) Each student writes an essay about what Catholic Education means to them. They are posted in the hallways, and voted on. The room moms plan something special for this day, this varies from Taco Bell for lunch, to an ice cream party, to a pizza party.
Teacher Appreciation Thursday- The PTO hosts a banquet for the teachers and staff. We have 3 lunch periods, so in order for the teachers to have their banquet all at the same time, we schedule parent volunteers to stay through all 3 lunches. To make it easier on the parents, we have indoor recess that day.
Friday Festival- We have Mass on Fridays, once the kids come back from the church, the carnival begins. For the 7th and 8th graders who need Confirmation hours we offer two ways to get hours this day: one by walking a kindergartener around for half the day or two by working a game for part of the day. This helps PTO out by freeing up some volunteer spaces.
All of these activities, except for Friday, are only about an hour long, so the teachers can still get their classwork done.
I hope some of these ideas help!
Our CSW starts with a Sunday mass and a school fair after...we really use this time to make PTG visible in the school. We activiely started our clean hands campaign/glo-germ in the classrooms, The John the Baptist assembly,we invite all the families (because everyone has volunteered in different wayss) a special mass on Weds to bless our Heavenly Helpers/Volunteer certificates that will go home with each child, and we offer an ice cream treat that same day. On the last day we host a family bingo in the evening..very basic but a nice get together. I have banners for each PTG event, and flyers going out every other day announcing whats happening next. It seems to get everyone very excited about the week!
We hold an opening Mass followed by an Open House/Registration. On Monday, we invited the Bishop and he accepted. He'll visit each classroom and eat lunch with the teachers. Tuesday in Student Appreciation Day and they kids dress down and have free lunch and play games and have fun all day. There are other activities on Wednesday and Thursday and Friday there's a breakfast for the teachers and a closing Mass and a show.
We start our Catholic Schools week with Mass and then an Open House. Usually, the school arranges Pajama Day, Bagel Breakfast, Ice Cream sundaes, Sports Day. This year and last year we are also opening our Scholastic Book Fair the first day of CSW!
We always start out Catholic School's Week with an open house on Sunday and then a kids carnival that is sponsored by the teachers. This year the PTO has added Muffins with Mom and Donuts with Dad which will be held on Monday and Tuesday. The PTO also sponsors a luncheon for our teachers.