Just thought of this. While Health Fairs are great for this age, too, be very careful when dealing with anything sex ed-related. Follow your school's policy VERY closely or let the principal and/or school nurse schedule that part. Our Middle School has had some great fairs that include everything from nutrtion to exercise to dental health.
*Perfect age to have anti-drug speakers come in. Someone with actual experiences with the effects of drug use -- maybe police officer w/drug sniffing dog. The dog will get their attention, the officer will keep it.
*Motivational speakers of almost any type.
*A high guidance counsellor to speak about preparing for high school and then college or other post-HS graduation training. They need to know things such as you should take the course-specific SAT's right after completing it in HS -- don't wait until Spring of your Junior year to take the biology SAT when you took Biology as a Freshman. They will also get some advice on what direction to go with their classes. Middle and High School years can be great for at least ruling out what they do not want to do after graduation. OK, this one isn't as attention-getting for the kids, but it would get some parents attention.
*Almost any speaker who can broaden their world a bit -- exposure to the world around them opens their eyes to their potential. This really makes your speaker possibilities limitless -- I guess I'm not THAT much help in the end!
[ 10-24-2005, 07:09 AM: Message edited by: AJ Flanagan ]
Looking for ideas for speakers for middle school age kids and/or their parents. Anything that has had higher interest? Anything that we should not engage as part of the PTO?