Melissa, Don't you have a fundraising committee? If not, why not ask a bunch of kindergarten moms to help get them involved.
Not to change the subject, but you said you were the carnival chair? Would you be able to send me any info you have on running a carnival. My fundraising chair just sold her house and now as Pres., I'm stuck doing her work until I can find a new chair. I'm desperate and no noe wants the job!!! Any info you can send me would be greatly appreciated. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Do you lay out guidelines, descriptions, and other expections? That may help. People may not want to voluteer for that positition if they do not know what to expect. Also have an outline for deadlines. Time shouldn't be an issue if you are begining now. If you don't feel that you can take it all on just let them know if no one will step up to cooridinate for this event it will be cancelled. And do not feel guilty about it either. You are one person you can only do so much. Perhaps you will have a parent that is willing to help with the new year coming in. Maybe you will have a new parent at your school that is a silent auction expert.
Be sure to mention the importance of your events in all your info you send out and talk it up at your meetings.
I am the VP/Fundraising on our Pta and I am also in charge of organizing our spring carnival. This will be my second year. Last year the people that had been heading up the silent auction decided they didn't have time to do it, so since i was the carnival chairman it fell in my lap. I did it along with organizing the rest of the carnival, but I really can't do both again. How can I get someone to get involved with the silent auction!!!!???? It is a big job and we make a big profit from it. I sent out numerous letters last school year asking for help and got very little response. People don't want to commit,but will show up that day and help....meanwhile there is a small amount of us do the preparations. So really what i am asking is how to bring in more volunteers who are excited about helping?