A new school (12 years ago) that I did my observations for my Child Development Class, sold bricks in their courtyard. A parent could have their child's name engraved with the year the brick was purchased. It worked so well for them, they started engraving all the bricks on the building. It is a neat way to make yourself a part of the school.
At our Elem. school of 900 students we have "T-Shirt Day" every Friday for one month. Classes with 100% participation earn the spirit stick and popcicles. Classes that don't necessairly have 100% participation can call us to their rooms and show us a cheer that they have made up and we will award them the spirit sign to post outside their classroom. This gives all classes an opportunity to "win" something. The kids really get into this.
At our Intermediate school of 950 students we have "Spirit Day" on Friday's and have a similar theme. Classes with 100% participation win a reward: popcicles, donuts, watermelon parties, etc.. This goes on for two months. Then on our Spring Fling Day we provide classes with sharpie markers and anyone wearing a school t-shirt is allowed to go around and sign on anothers shirts. This promotes t-shirt sales and we think shows school spirit.
What are other schools doing to promote school spirit? I am looking for ideas outside of the traditional spirit items (shirts, etc). One concern the school has is that if we do a spirit week, or spirit days, that they would be a distraction at the school, or leave some kids out.
We are considering a spirit week, and making this year's overall theme for events school spirit, but not quite sure how to do it.