I looked them up in the yellow pages. They called back within 24 hours. Here's the deal in Denver: 2 hours music, games and prizes is $500
The prizes vary and can include movie tickets and candy. They need 2-3 months notice. They send 1-3 people. There doesn't seem to be a need for a lot of volunteers for the event. They set up and run the games. They ask for volunteers as they go along if they need them to do something like hold a limbo stick.
CoPREZ, how did you get it free? Maybe having your own DJ made a difference.
We have invited Radio Disney on two occasions to our school. Both times it was for a Family Fun Night. There was no cost and they spend about 1-1/2 hours with the kids, playing games, giving away prizes, dancing with the kids, etc. They LOVED it! We also had our own DJ on hand and he played the music that Radio Disney brought. They had the kids broken into groups singing karaoke, dance contests, limbo, etc. They really did a wonderful job.