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average value of carnival prizes

6 years 11 months ago #172499 by LLK
Replied by LLK on topic RE: average value of carnival prizes
We do a value of .05 a prize ticket and then calculate the number based on that.
(prize value/.05; i.e. .50/.05= 10 tickets) Every booth gives out a minimum of 2 tickets per game. We use our event as campus fundraiser but you choose any value for your prize tickets. At least this way you control the cost and don't lose money.
20 years 11 months ago #117931 by <Bertha>
Replied by <Bertha> on topic RE: average value of carnival prizes
kma- if you decide to do it, count me in! I'll help you and don't forget I've got a big popcorn machine (I've lent it out to you school before) and I've got a hot dog cart. There yours if you want them!
20 years 11 months ago #117930 by pwalther
Replied by pwalther on topic RE: average value of carnival prizes

A cake walk is similar to musical chairs. You have numbers on the floor (1 - 20 depending on the size of your event) and you play music while the contestants walk around the field of numbers. You stop the music and pull a number out of a bowl and the person on that number wins. We give everyone who played 1 piece of candy and the winner gets to choose 1 of the many junk food items (cakes) that have been donated. We even had adults playing.

Another thing we did for a photo booth - we contacted the company who does our school pictures and they came out with a fall scene and took pictures. We offered either a picture button or a picture keychain. We didn't know how it would do so we only bought 100 polaroid pictures. We ran out of those, used 50 of the photographers and had to close the booth over 30 minutes early. Everyone loved it!!!

I look forward to sharing more ideas with you when you are ready.

Pam This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
20 years 11 months ago #117929 by kmamom
pwalther--I'll be getting in touch soon--while I dread "too much work", this sounds like "too much fun" not to do!

I get the "Plinko" (I've seen my share of "The Price is Right"!), but what is a "Cake Walk?"

Thank you very much for all the great ideas and offers for advice--this is why I love these boards!
20 years 11 months ago #117928 by melloweer
Replied by melloweer on topic RE: average value of carnival prizes
Thanks farmerswife and pwalter
20 years 11 months ago #117927 by farmerswife1993
Replied by farmerswife1993 on topic RE: average value of carnival prizes
We have a plinko game. Simple directions. Take a piece of plywood and hammer nails every 3 inches in rows 3 inches apart. Make sure they don't line up. Alternate them. You need to put nails along the sides to keep the ball from falling straight down to the bottom. Angle the nails along the side to send the ball back into the game. At the bottom in the middle there are 2 triangles about 2 inches apart from each other. Just big enough to fit a golf ball. Frame the whole piece of wood and angle it onto 2by 4s so it is self standing. Ours did not stand up completely straight it was elevated about 3 feet of the floor and we used golf balls. I hope this was not to confusing. My 2 yr old loved this game.
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