WE can or can not have lights we are in Iowa so it is very cold...our budget is very small and we also only had 3 parents at our last meeting yikes! We thought of the present idea with a catchy saying as teach your child the gift of volunteering join the pto---ideas suggestions thanks
Craft stores also have battery operated lights that can be put on sweatshirts etc.
I've only been to a couple parades here and know that it's is too cold.
I know it's a poplular "thing" at 4th of July parades, maybe a routine with lawn chairs (you know the old fold up alunimum ones? Or even a dance routine (bear with me) with snow shovles! Insteasd of twirling flags...SHOVELS! [img]smile.gif[/img]
Are you looking for ideas to BE in the parade? And if that's the case, then do all the entries need to be displaying lights? Can you give us any more details? How many people? Do you know if you plan to walk or ride?
Our Girl Scout troop used to walk in the annual Christmas parade. One year they all went as presents. Everyone got two pieces of poster board, made a sandwhich board style sign and then each one decorated it as a present. Easy and cheap.
Another year we did the same thing except snowman. Used white posterboard.
Some of the kids added those battery operated Christams lites.
(If you do sandwhich boards, the secret is grommets. You can buy them in a fabric/craft store. Using them to create the shoulder holes where it ties together makes is much more stable.)
I've seen groups walk the route wearing glow bracelets and glow necklaces, carrying little flashlights with fiberoptic strands.
Another group painted on black shirts with glow-in-the-dark paint, and then put a number of blacklights around the edge of their trailer. They needed a generator for the lights.
Going the generator and trailer route, I've seen decorated trees.