We are planning on just having the kids create exhibits. We will give kids ribbons for participating and ask that the kids be able to explain how it works and have printed material available (we will do the copying) so other kids can try their experiments or projects.
It's still in the planning stages but we're very excited. Unfortunately our school doesn't support much of a science program so we are hoping to add an element that is missing for the kids.
Originally posted by Aretha: Congradulations on starting a Science Fair! The program I started is in it's 3rd year at our school and keeps getting better. The BEST book on science fairs is one called "Not Just Another Science Fair" (sorry I don't have it at hand to name the author. There are other good books out there but if you can only buy one get this one. Are you planning on duing a science fair where projects are just shown or are you doing a traditional judged fair?
Congradulations on starting a Science Fair! The program I started is in it's 3rd year at our school and keeps getting better. The BEST book on science fairs is one called "Not Just Another Science Fair" (sorry I don't have it at hand to name the author. There are other good books out there but if you can only buy one get this one. Are you planning on duing a science fair where projects are just shown or are you doing a traditional judged fair?
We are hosting our first art fair this year and it seems as if that's complicated enough. We plan to introduce a writing competition in the spring. I had considered a science fair but was afraid that only the AG kids (gifted) would participate. Please keep us posted on your progress.
Our school is foregoing the musical and play to offer a science fair this year. It has never been done before and our elementary doesn't have a current science program.
Does anyone have any tips or ideas on how to begin? Any websites or books to direct me to?