I was elected PTO president 5 years ago, at my first meeting non the less. At that time we had horrible meeting turnouts and everything we did, I, and very few people would be the only volunteers. Due to health conditions, I dissolved the PTO with $700 remaining in our acct. Last year, after 3 years of no PTO, I thought, with "new blood", it is time to try to start up the PTO again. We have had a lot better meeting turnout and more volunteers. I asked for volunteers for the Sec and Tres. positions. but could never get anyone to step up and become VP. I have talked up elections for April and as of yet, I can't get any nominations for the VP and Pres. positions. I have older kids now and I need to move on. What do I do? I don't want to dissolve the PTO again. There are more parents, and more interest, but not for leadership. I'm at my wits end and need some help!