I like the point you are making. Volunteering comes in many shapes and sizes. I'd also include the work some parents do with the kids before or after school (like the walking school buses, or helping with a club). There are so many ways parents can give a little of their time and it all has value. Thanks for bringing up a good point.
Any special tricks when you need to get people really last minute to help at an event?
I think that to successfully implement the 2 hour pledge program, you really need to count not just hours of direct service to the PTO, but hours spent in the classroom helping a teacher, going on a field trip, etc. The idea of the pledge program (at least at our school) is to get the parents generally involved in some way, not just specifically for PTO events. If every parent who signed the pledge wanted to give their two hours directly to the PTO, there's no way I'd have enough from them to do.
That said, no-I've never had too many volunteers. Like "wishing," I'm usually begging up until the last minute.
Has any PTO ever gotten so many volunteers that they couldn't find a spot for them? I love the idea of a two hour pledge program, but at the same time I fear parents may start thinking, "The PTO doesn't need my help, they had lots of volunteers last time I volunteered" and will stop donating their time for future events. Any thoughts? Thanks.