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Stressed and need to vent!!!

14 years 5 months ago #154672 by jenilou28
Gosh, that sounds soooo familiar! I know exactly how you feel. Everyday as PTO President has been like that for me. Our principal wants every single detail (yes, we are micromanaged!) run through him. Everything needs approval. The PTO newsletters have to be designed the way this one wants it, or with the information that one wants (even though it IS PTO's newsletter). All of these people say they will help, and then when you need them there is no shortage of excuses... Oh, I could go on all day!

Just take a deep breath... Now scream! Ahhh. Now shake it off.

Don't feel bad about giving your VP or other officers a to do list and letting them carry some of the weight and step up to the plate while you take a few days. Was just condsidering that myself!

Good Luck!
14 years 5 months ago #154535 by Teesnum
I am so sorry to hear of your dilemma with your PTO meeting, I have found that if you meet directly with the principal with your documentation in hand and make any changes on the spot then have him/her approve on the spot it goes over much smoother in regards to the announcement being passed out, well as a NEW PTO and an NEW PTO PRES we took to the streets ourselves and got the word out. Yes its a lot of leg work but my grand mother use to say IF you do it yourself then you know it got done best of luck to you with your reschedule meeting.

14 years 5 months ago - 14 years 5 months ago #154531 by PTO Pres
Another update. Went to see our Assn. Superintendant, who I have worked with on Parent Involment for last several years. Did I mention he also heads up the Parent Involement at our district. He was appalled at what I told him. We are all having a meeting today where he is going to set some boundries. I am so glad. And I have rescheduled my meeting for two weeks!!!
14 years 5 months ago #154502 by PTO Pres
Heres an update.
Saw the Asst. principal this morn(tues) expressed how despratelty I needed those letters to go home TODAY and she said she had made some changes to it and it would go today.
So here comes my 2 kids after school, first thing I do it dig frantically through one backpack then the other. NO LETTER!!! 'Didn't they give you anything to bring home today'? I ask. 'A paper about PTO'? I ask. My son says "no mom, but I know heard something about a meeting." From who? I ask. My son says, "from you mom."
I texted a few parents to see if anyone got a letter. NONE!!!
If they send the letter home tomro (wed) the next day is the meeting. I am so frustrated. Bordering on anger. It is so unfair for them to do this to me. I am going have to resign. I cannot take the stress of them dictating everything I do and then sabatoging me.
14 years 5 months ago #154497 by Lisa @ PTO Today
Replied by Lisa @ PTO Today on topic Re:Stressed and need to vent!!!
Vent anytime, PTO Pres!

You'll do great. Take some deep breaths : ) All the things she is asking you to do will make your job of getting more volunteers easier in the long run. As for the timing - yikes- that is a tight turn around. Maybe after things settle down you could have a meeting with the principal to talk about process. You could go at in a non-confrontational way and say something like,"I am really excited about the new school year. Can we talk about the best way to get documents ready for meetings and events?" It will be a good lead in to say that you'd like to have at least X amount of time to get docs created,copied, and distributed.

Best of Luck at your first meeting. Have you watched this video yet?


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14 years 5 months ago #154489 by PTO Pres
Our 1st meeting is Thurs 9/2. That is in 2 days. I wanted to send out letters last week but the principal wanted me to come up with these new membership forms and a letter telling parents all about the PTO and what we have done in the past year. Also she wants to elect new officers at this 1st meeting, so forms had to go out for that. I have yet to get her approval on these letters, copy them or send them home!!! And what should be my BIGGEST meeting of the year is in 2 days. I am stressed to say the least. Nothing anyone can do. Just wanted to vent!!!
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