In regards to the principal spending the money you've raised without consulting you...
Our PTSA board has their own bank account. Only the President and Treasurer are entitled to write checks and contact the bank. I suggest setting this up right away.
Good luck.
Lisa @ PTO Today
14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago#153628by Lisa @ PTO Today
My heart goes out to you for everything you and your daughter have been experiencing. You should feel good about trying to make your daughter's school experience better but they way she is being bullied is not acceptable. Sounds like you should focus on getting the bullying situation rectified before all else. Here is an article from our sister site that may be helpful:
mommytlc offers some good advice: all these issues need to be elevated to someone other than your principal - like the superintendent. Also, her suggestion to document things is also a good one. You want to go into the meeting prepared. Regarding the school issues not related to your daughter, it would be good if could rally the other concerned parents that you mentioned, to go to the meeting as well.
Let us know how it turns out,
Last edit: 14 years 9 months ago by Lisa @ PTO Today.
I feel badly that you are going through this, and I understand your desire to volunteer to make the school a better place.
If I were in your shoes, I would get the Superintendent involved. It sounds like you have tried everything in your power to make the environment tolerable, but now you need to go to the top.
Also, I would start documenting different things that go on in the school, like conversations you have had with the principal and situations that have occurred. Show this information to the Superintendent.
If the Superintendent isn't willing to help, I would consider enrolling your child in another school. Good luck to you.
We have tried some of the ideas you all gave us and well.... Sad but true it did not work. We are fighting a very hard battle and losing ground. The
principle is not the type to share or compromise. There are two of us who are here on just about a daily bases and one week she is nice to one of us and rude to the other and the next week she flips on us. We seem to never be able to meet in the middle with her. Then to top it off my daughter got hurt from another student in her class and I met with the Principle over it and it did not go well. She blamed the teacher on duty for the problem and the child that caused my daughter to have a sprained wrist only had a 5 mintue time out for it. My daughter is picked on ALOT! She is sadly one of the only white children in her class so she is an easy target. So the principle tends to get defensive when it comes to racial issues. She is also an African American. We had this same problem last year when my daughter got the nickname "Skinny White" from her classmates and the teacher thought it was "cute". That is the real reason I am here all the time. So I can keep an idea on my daughter. It is all so very fustrating to me. I am a very easy going person and I work very well with anyone. I am not one to cause issues but I am really getting to the point where I do not know just how much more I can take. I am looking into moving but that still does not address the issues the school has. Teachers along with many parents feel the same way as I do but everyone is scared of her backlash...
Yep, sounds like you have a controlling principal : ) But it also sounds like you are working very hard to keep up the hard work and positive attitude and hopefully that will pay off. Amy had some great advice -- try to figure ways to work with the principal. Here are some articles that will offer ideas on how to work with her style: