Our teachers and staff put on an appreciation breakfast once a year and include all parents-- as a PTO, we send out thanks all eyar after each event to those that helped-- but at the end of the year I give a special thank you to all board members and chairs that ran an event over the course of the year- and each year I try and find something new-- last year was a flower with a note- thanks for helping our kids bloom this yar...
This year I found large hershey kisses-- with a note that said here's a big kiss for volunteering this year to give our kids an A+ year.
We thank our volunteers regularly in our monthly newsletter. Every January we take our volunteers out to lunch. At the end of the year we have another celebration for them. We also send them thank you cards throughout the year.
We have an end of the year banquet for all our school volunteers, usually around 150. We save enough money to have food catered or ordered from places like Walmart, ect. We then send out invitations to our volunteers to let them know we are going to honor them. We order trophies and get donations from the community to make goodie bags. We also have a short program using our school band, choir or someone else to provide entertainment. Our volunteers leave feeling very special and pledging to come back next year.
Our school does an end of year breakfast for volunteers, which is coming up. The Teacher rep on our PTG typically organizes a fund at the beginning of the year that teachers contribute to. They then have a breakfast catered (by local bakery who cuts them a deal). Teachers have kids make thank you cards for their parents, illustrating how they think their parents helped. Very sweet (I have kept mine from the past 5 years). The breakfast is drop in from 7 -10am to accommodate all schedules. A notice is put in our newsletter and on our website all parents and grandparents who have volunteered in some way.
At our school we have a raffle at the end of the year for all volunteers that have gone "above and beyond." We raffle off giftcards ranging from $25 -$50 depending on our budget.
Aliene Hamm, Henryville Jr/Sr High
14 years 10 months ago#153252by Aliene Hamm, Henryville Jr/Sr High