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Turning away parents?

15 years 5 months ago #150307 by Chriskattan
If you lump all the opportunities together on a form, and let people know that there is going to be a lottery if you get more volunteers than you need, then it manages expectations and no one feels shut out.

15 years 5 months ago #150203 by london713
Replied by london713 on topic RE: Turning away parents?
15 years 5 months ago #150196 by matthewsmommy
Replied by matthewsmommy on topic RE: Turning away parents?
be glad you have something to try to do. Lincoln (bristol township) doesn't even allow us to have a PTO.
15 years 6 months ago #150190 by Rockne
Replied by Rockne on topic RE: Turning away parents?
Totally agree with your putting a priority on not turning away (or turning off) parent volunteers.

To me the key is to actively manage the volunteering at school. Do you have a volunteer coordinator position or an involvement committee? I think that's an importnat role for a PTO, especially if you're lucky enough to have an excess of volunteers at times.

Rather than jst saying it will be a lottery, the involvement committee has the job of having right folks in right roles (right butts in right seats) and making sure that new volunteers get utilized and perhaps that new volunteers get teamed up with experienced vets, etc. It's a much more pro-active approach.

The last thing you want come May or June is parents quietly grumbling that :I wanted to help but they didn't take me up on it." That's the quickest way to a clique reputation.


PTO Today Founder
15 years 6 months ago #150179 by PRS VP
Replied by PRS VP on topic RE: Turning away parents?
I wouldn't put a cap on the sheet because then you may run into the problem of people thinking "oh, so many other people will volunteer for that event that I won't get called" and they won't check off on the sheet to help with that event. When event time rolls around, you may not have enough volunteers to get the job done without pulling your hair out.

We've decided to try something different this year, and not send out a sign up sheet for the entire year's events. Instead, as the events come up, the chairs will send out an announcement that we need volunteers and to contact them if interested.

In the past, we sent out a sheet and one person would compile all of the information and send lists to each event chair. (I've had the job, hours and HOURS of work involved). The problem we ran into was that some chairs weren't contacting the people on their list first, and would send a flier out asking for volunteers. We got complaints from parents that they signed up to help and no one contacted them, etc. etc. So we're going to try doing away with it for a year and see what happens!
15 years 6 months ago #150174 by london713
Replied by london713 on topic RE: Turning away parents?
We send a survey. Most of the events have no set cap on volunteers. Should we put the cap on the sheet as well?
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