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Christmas poem for the teachers/staff?

9 years 2 months ago #169716 by Linda Parsons
Replied by Linda Parsons on topic RE: Christmas poem for the teachers/staff?

biz_kid1 wrote: Thanks, dlf! TIA = "Thanks In Advance" name is Tina! =) I took your version and edited it a bit...if that is okay with you!

T'was the week before Christmas at the elementary school
And all the weary teachers were losing their cool!
Santa searched for the ones that gave their time and hearts
he wanted to thank them but how could he start?

So many hours, they worked without fuss
They worked for the children; they all gave so much.
What could he do to show them their worth;
The difference they made with all their hard work.

"I know" Santa said, "I'll open their eyes.
"They'll see clearly the impact they have on small lives.
They'll see smiles on faces that their work puts there;
They'll see kindness in children taught the lesson to care."

"They'll hear laughter from families that share in their days
They'll get hugs that without them would just go away."
"And at night when they rest, they'll sleep soundly and know
Their teaching hearts keep the children aglow."

12 years 1 month ago #162240 by S. Christie
Replied by S. Christie on topic Re:Christmas poem for the teachers/staff?
These are great. I am borrowing.. hope that's okay. Will give credit tho
12 years 1 month ago #162226 by Page
Thanks for the poems, both of you. I liked them both. I have two teachers to give to so thanks for your creativity!
16 years 1 month ago #147209 by morecarpool
I love both Poem. I used both of them

Thanks to both of you
16 years 2 months ago #147119 by biz_kid1
No offense taken at all! And I absolutely LOVE this poem, too! Thank you!

~*~Tina~*~<br />
<br><a href=""" target="_blank"">Family website
16 years 2 months ago #147113 by dlf
Since I don't really love the cutting and pasting above (no offense Tina--but I write - so it's hard for me to see the stuff changed). I've written below. May be hard to use in a public school setting, but if you care to use as a part of your gift to your teachers I'd be honored...

The spirit was ready for the birthday ahead;
But something was nagging, "Someone's working" he said.

But how could that be, it was late Christmas Eve;
was there someone below him who didn't believe?

He looked to the snow, when the glow came to reach her;
it lit up the worry, an overworked teacher.

"Dear teacher", he whispered, (she thought she was dreaming).
"It&#8217;s me&#8221; he said calmly, "Are you no longer believing?&#8221;

She smiled a bit, "I was thinking of you,"
"Got a moment to chat?" "For a teacher I do."

"I worry" she said, &#8220;that as hard as I teach them&#8221;
&#8220;So many to help, are you sure that I reach them?&#8221;

&#8220;Dear teacher,&#8221; he smiled &#8220;If you only knew&#8221;
&#8220;Yes you reach them&#8221; he whispered, &#8220;I&#8217;ve made sure you do.&#8221;

&#8220;With your lessons of history, world wonders and joy&#8221;
&#8220;You open the minds of each girl and boy&#8221;.

&#8220;But how do I know&#8230;how can I be sure
Sometimes the doubt&#8217;s just too hard to endure.&#8221;

He continued and told her &#8220; bear no doubt on your sleeve;
As you&#8217;ve already said-and I know-you believe.&#8221;

&#8220;Trust me &#8220; said God; &#8220;long before you were here
my children were searching&#8221; then he wiped off a tear.

&#8220;They needed the selflesness, talent, the caring
They needed the heart you so freely are sharing&#8221;.

&#8220;The prayed every night for the lessons they missed
One Christmas I answered, a teacher, their gift.&#8221;

So go home to your family, your presents and mirth
Know teacher your work is the purest on earth.&#8221;

Merry Christmas!
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