I was our VP for 2 years until I lost the last election. I ran for president hoping to improve our relationship with parents and the community and the majority voted for our current president, now on her 4th year term. We have such a large group of concerned parents but some of them are not able to make our meetings due to babysitting issues and therfore are not able to vote or voice concerns. It seems as if our school is split in the middle and the parents on our board are all good friends that do not ask anyone else for help. I have been involved in every function at school until this year and now no one will accept my help. It seems as if I have fallen victim to the rumor mill since I ran against her for pres, how should I handle this? I would also like to know what to do about trying to get some specific by laws written, some people that wanted to vote for elections but couldnt make it to the meeting were not allowed to, there were also people I had never met before that voted.