I have found that whenever we have an event at school (back to school night, open house, family nights) that the friendlier you are to the parents the more that they want to come back and help. We always have extra membership forms set up at a table for parents who are interested in supporting our PTO.
We have gotten parents involved simply by having a fun night for our school families. When parents comment that they are having a good time we always try them and give a preview of an upcoming event and let them know that if they are available, we'd love to have them help out for a while.
Surprisingly enough, sometimes all you need to do is ask for the parent's help while they are having fun. We've been most successful that way. Good luck!
I am the Volunteer Coordinator for our PTSO. It is the 1st year there has been someone assigned to this position and it is my 1st year being activily involved in the PTSO.
We are doing the 2 Hour Power Pledge Program. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help make this a success? In the past the PTSO has struggled for volunteers, I would really like to change that. Our back-to-school night is next week any suggestions???