We had our first Board meeting today and the principal came up with a great idea for our first PTO meeting in September. We are going to raffle off a gas card worth $100 at our open house in July. The catch is that attendance is required in September to be able to win.
Our board starts planning in June and July for all fund raising, specials events, teacher luncheons...etc. We enjoy keeping things organized and structured so any one of the officers can fill in when needed.
Some of our planning was our first and second fund raisers. We kick off Jaxco at the end of Aug. and run it for 2 weeks. This is our largest fund raiser of the year. We also have a traditional fall festival in October. This is our second largest fund raiser. November leaves some breathing room for us to prepare for our Holiday events. Some of the things we do at our school are:
Teacher Luncheons during conferences, Popcorn parties for students, Incentives for students with achievements, Funding the special departments, Bookfairs, Teacher appreciation week with a special treat each day and another luncheon, Principal requests: Seminars, educational materials for grade levels...etc.
Hi All,
I am the President of the PTCO at my daughters school and only have 1 year under my belt, brand new school! We had an excellent year, but struggled with attendance at our monthly PTCO meetings. I am looking for any good ideas for topics to discuss at the meetings. I am a planner and want to plan out the entire year of meetings. If you all have any ideas please help me out.