Start with a notice to come to either a family night or a community function-- free of charge--
Get the families there-- and while you have an audience start working the crowd and get parents involved--- let them know that could be more fun outings like this one if they could help out, get on board with you. It's kind of like put the bait out and then reel 'em in.
I'm looking for ideas for recruiting board members. I'm the president of the parent association associated with a private montessori school where the children are mostly ages 3-6. The school does run through 3rd grade however. You would think with so much vested in their kids educations we'd have huge involvement, but for the second year in a row, its only lonely old me. Last year I felt we scrambled all year because we didn't really have a board until September.
I'm looking for ideas as to how do you drum up involvement to be on the board?
Last year I recruited several people by asking them directly, this was effective, but then I ended up with one basically making some excuses to drop out. How do you find people that actually want to be involved? Help!