If you only give to the teachers-- then you should keep it that way-- especially if that's how you have budgeted...
Now-- on the librarian's side-- can you do something extra for the other staff-- so they feel special this week as well-- maybe all their names go into drawings for prizes-- or give some type of goody bag on certains days this week to everyone?
Touchie situation-- you really don't want to make anyone upset- that's not what this week's about.
Day two of teachers' appreciation and someone is already upset!!
Our PTO has for 2 years made goody bags for everyday of this week to hand out to
the teachers' only, I know alot of people have changed teachers appreciation week to staff appreciation- but this year we have one person that is upset because she didn't receive any goodie bags this week --she is the librarian--- The president call me this morning and told me I needed to make up some bags for her-- but if I give in and make her one- then I need to make some for all the other support staff. We are a small school and the teachers on their own for their classrooms-the teachers don't have any help with their classrooms and I feel this week should be about them.. Sorry for venting !!! Please advise