I am the President of our Home and School Association at a Catholic school. Last year, due to several factors, the Archidiosese made a decision to close 3 local Catholic schools. Our school was not one of them, but as a result, we did obtain several new students and their families. Our whole school, including the current families, staff and principal worked very hard to welcome these families, and to make this transitition for everyone as comfortable as possible.
The school that was closed had just under 100 students, our school typically has just over 300 students.
To begin getting ready for the 2008-2009 school year we had our Home & School General Meeting in which open positions are announced. A letter had gone home to parents about 1 month prior, listing the open positions for next year, and my name and phone number to call in case you wanted more info. Only 1 person contacted me about a position - the treasurer position.
At the meeting, this person was not able to attend as she was taking one her final exams that evening as she is finishing up her degree in accounting. At our meeting, a new parent from the closed school was nominated for the treasurer position. Since our by-laws didn't address whether the vote had to be taken that evening, or during a paper ballot, our principe made the decision to vote that night. The new parent won and this is where the problems start.
This Mom has a reputation for stirring the pot - causing problems and does a lot of "he said, oh she said" type thing. She went as far as the night of the meeting to immediately call the other candidate interested in the treasurer's job to tell her that she was voted in, not her, and she hopes there aren't hard feelings The nxt day this person saw this new Mom in a off-school setting and the new Mom proceeded to tell her that I had not mentioned once that this person had volunteered already, that she felt I as the President should have stood up and said the position was already filled ..... etc etc.
This is the third time she has done something like this in the past month. I don't want to spend time putting out fires at our meetings next year - but I do think it's important that this Mom understand that this is NOT the type of Home & School board we run and that there is no room for these he said/she said issues.
I did have a Mom, who came from the school that closed, come up to me and say that I should continue to stick to my guns b/c she did this same time of thing all the time last year at the closed school.
Any suggestions? Should I have a sit down w/her prior to our next meeting so that it can be discussed in private?