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This is what bugs me!!

16 years 9 months ago #142907 by Menlo Tigers
By this time of the year every 'volunteer' bugs me!
16 years 9 months ago #142889 by ademom74
Replied by ademom74 on topic RE: This is what bugs me!!
You are partly right. I am sure that my screaming match with this teacher got all over the school which isn’t good but I don’t think my actions reflected poorly on our PTO, they only reflected poorly on me. And it truth, I don’t care. We put together a first rate event, raised over $27k for our students and faculty and did all this with virtually no support from our teachers, principal or PTO board. In fact, our PTO president did her best to sabotage the event. Don’t ask why… it’s too much to get into on this board. My children have all aged out of elementary schools, so this year is my swan song. I am packing up my tent to steal quietly into that good night and as such, I decided to go out with a bang.

I think most on this tread would agree that 20% of volunteers do 80% of the work. And we wonder why we are so burned out when it’s over.
16 years 9 months ago #142887 by ademom74
Replied by ademom74 on topic RE: This is what bugs me!!
You are partly right. I am sure that my screaming match with this teacher got all over the school which isn’t good but I don’t think my actions reflected poorly on our PTO, they only reflected poorly on me. And it truth, I don’t care. We put together a first rate event, raised over $27k for our students and faculty and did all this with virtually no support from our teachers, principal or PTO board. In fact, our PTO president did her best to sabotage the event. Don’t ask why… it’s too much to get into on this board. My children have all aged out of elementary schools, so this year is my swan song. I am packing up my tent to steal quietly into that good night and as such, I decided to go out with a bang.
And again, this is not an excuse for my bad behavior, just an explanation.

I think most on this tread would agree that 20% of volunteers do 80% of the work. And we wonder why we are so burned out when it’s over.
16 years 9 months ago #142872 by pzettler
Replied by pzettler on topic RE: This is what bugs me!!
I'm not so burned out after the last PTO meeting. I told the group, I needed to set up a table to recruit next year's PTO members, so I couldn't take part in a cookout this year.

Other members stepped up and said they would do it!

That means I have some energy left, so ... thanks for all you hard work across the nation.

Jcbmom2001, OntheGoPTO, barb_r, dlf, mcj39, Javamommy, gonesaleing, Rockne, CrewChief, crazycoconut, iowaptomom, Caroline V, FoxMom, and my3strongtikes.
16 years 9 months ago #142839 by my3strongtikes
I have to say this thread has helped me immensely. This was my third year as president and I have had just a hard time with one particular parent who thinks that she can do my job so perfectly as she has told me so rudely many times. I have held my composure, but I have a very raw tongue from keeping my mouth shut to her. No matter how nicely I have explained rules and procedures she is not getting it.
My biggest pet peeve is when they say well with the kids I don't have any time. Well if you didnt have kids you wouldn't be at the school. Or with the little one its hard to get things done. My youngest was 14 months when I became PTO president I took her to events and helped out with her in her stroller moving about doing things.

Getting to vent once in awhile helps me get through those tough times and the crazy parents. I know I wouldn't give any of this up its something as Tim said we all have a Passion for as crazy that may sound.

Cindy<br />
<br><br />
<br>____________________________________________<br />
<br>&quot;People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege.&quot;
16 years 9 months ago #142833 by FoxMom
Replied by FoxMom on topic RE: This is what bugs me!!
I love reading these posts-- some are just how I feel--
Always remember to take a deep breath when a situation goes array- before saying something you will regret later.... Saying something nasty to a parent that isn't helping, is complaining or anything else-- can get turned around instantly and the instance will spread like wildfire throughout the school.
Trying to get more volunteers is one of my new goals-- I'm going to kill 'em with kindness and and not take no for an answer this next year when asking for help-- I have my own buisness (full-time) I travel 1/2 the month and head up all the big fundraiser and family events at our school-- when my husband says why are doing this-- someone else should step up - I say 2 things to him-- Number 1--- I'm doing it for our kids-- they will remember that I was a big part of their elementary years and so will the teachers and and number 2--- I'm helping for 2 since you don't come help out with anything-- that shuts him up quick.
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