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Pto website

17 years 5 days ago #140940 by FoxMom
Replied by FoxMom on topic RE: Pto website
Do your research first-- it might take until the end of the year to have the pto agreeing that you need this....
Give them some sites to check out with ideas of what you would like to have on it.
Also have the fees ready to give them--- you have to pay for a domain name-- and pay for hosting the site as well unless you have free hosting.
Another thing would be if your school district has a website for the school- you could have a icon that links the two sites together. Keep on trying -- this is the wave of the future and now.
But I would not just do the site and then present it... your liable to get some backlash for that. Good luck!
17 years 5 days ago #140937 by pc_nanna
Replied by pc_nanna on topic RE: Pto website
Thank you for responding. I went to all the above websites, they looked great. I think our school really needs a site like these but I am afraid of offending the officers. We have to bring every suggest we have to a pto meeting then research it then bring it back to pto meeting and on and on and on... I suggested this in Sept. and it got put on a back burner. We usually only have one meeting a month..very short meetings.. with only about 7 or 8 people there, including principal, teachers, officers and members. What kind of fall out could I expect if I set up the site and just presented it to them?
17 years 6 days ago #140935 by PresidentJim
Replied by PresidentJim on topic RE: Pto website
Here's mine:

Parent Teacher Organization

17 years 6 days ago #140907 by Menlo Tigers
17 years 1 week ago #140872 by FoxMom
Replied by FoxMom on topic RE: Pto website
We are an elementary school- I came on board 2 years ago and asked to take over our pre-existing website that had not been updated in 2 years-- and was expiring. I Change the look of it every summer-- and add things that I find would be useful to other parents-- I also send out a form at the end of each year asking what parents would like to see on the website, and if it's not already there, I try and add it for the following year.. out website is Untitled Document (check it out)
The biggest changes that I made from last year is I added a calendar that is printable by month-- and it's easy to go in and update regularly--
I got rid of our picture gallery for now-- I found it too hard to keep up with -- and formating pictures I would get from other people took so much time--- didn't think it was worth it-- After making the website promote it-- make it known to parents that they can find the listing of all the pto meetings for the year0-- what events are coming up and printable fliers ...
I also added links for Box Tops, Campbells and other fundraisers that have website links.... Again, this is always a work in progress and it takes more than you think to keep it fresh and updated-- if you can't put an updated calender on the site every year then don't put one on at all- make a link to the school s website, I'm sure they have one... there's nothing worse than having old information on the site, when a parent goes to check it out--
If you have any questions about the site, send me an email and I'll answer what I can... contact me through the the pto website-- Untitled Document
Good luck!
17 years 1 week ago #140870 by TPSparent
Replied by TPSparent on topic RE: Pto website
We set up a web site for our middle school about 2 years ago. As long as your officers are on board and you have someone willing to maintain the site you should proceed. Check out Byrnedale Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization . If you have questions send them to our "Contact us here" on our website and our parent that maintains the site will answer. We also have links to our high school website (I'm working on updating that one), a few elementary schools in our learning community, as well as the main website from our district.
We have found that many parents are appreciative of this communication tool. We list our calendar of events, minutes, programs, etc. on the site. As a way of promoting the website, we list it in all newsletters that go home as well as on our PTO membership card. Good Luck!
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